The Retül Fit Process Video highlights key aspects of the Retül Fit process from start to finish to help riders visually understand what happens during a Retül bike fit.

This video contains English text; therefore, a “clean”' (aka no text) version of the video is provided to input your own translated text onto the video as needed. This asset can be used as a looping in-store video, on your website or on social media to help promote Retül Fit services.

2019 RETÜl Brand VIdeo

The 2019 Retül Brand Video is a promotional video highlighting all aspects of the Retül brand for use on your website or social media channels. Click on the button below to

RETÜl Fit Case Study Video: Comfort

This case study video features a rider who has gone through a Retül bike fit in order to increase their comfort on the bike. This video can be used on your website or social media channels as a promotional asset for your Retül fit services.

RETÜl Fit Case Study Video: performance

This case study video features a rider who has gone through a Retül bike fit in order to increase their performance on the bike. This video can be used on your website or social media channels as a promotional asset for your Retül fit services.

Retül fit case study video: injury prevention



This case study video features a rider who has gone through a Retül bike fit in order to prevent injuries on the bike. This video can be used on your website or social media channels as a promotional asset for your Retül fit services.

The Retül Custom Footbed videos consist of 4 different short videos featuring two trail riders going through the custom footbed process. These can be used on your website, social media or as a looping video in your shop or fit studio.